Edible an poisonous plants
Edible plants
Dandelions any part of the dandelion is edible. It is a very nutritias weed it can be used in salads. Clovers a clover is an edible plant the leaves are edible it is a common weed. Chickweed chickweed is a edible plant you can make tea out of it to lose weight also the leaves are edible. Recipe pick some dandelions and some clovers and some chickweed then mix them together then eat.
Unedible plants
Poisoin oak is a three leaf poisonous plant the stem and leaves have oil in them that is culprit. poison ivy is a three leaf plant it carries an oil on its ieaves and on its stem and on its roots called urushae.poison sumac is a poisonous plant that have greenesh-yellowish flowers.
Being kind
This one way to be kind you help someone or something if it needs help whith home work or something. Here is a other you can be kind to your parents or teachers do not back talk them and what they say.One more way to be kind is not to be mean to others and treat others the way you want to be treated.